
Showing posts from July, 2020

Post Class Reflection 01

It was just like every normal morning but the morning was scheduled with an English class. I was waiting for the link to be public to the students but due to some technical issues, our class did not start as planned. After a while, the link was provided and we joined the class. Our teacher looked happy. He told us that he had obtained the premium version of Zoom meetings and was happy. Just as he expressed his happiness, there was some technical issues and our teacher hanged up. After he joined again, he said, "It must be due to the some kind of update." It was planned that the students would present the topics selected for them. And here came our first duo, Abishek KC and Pujan Jangam. Pujan started the presentation with short introduction and all. It was followed by Abishek and he concluded the topic himself. We enjoyed the presentation but the it was not recorded. So, to keep a small portion of their presentation, Pujan was requested to do the introductory part once more a

Who am I?

     Hello everyone! I am Sampurna KC and this post is an introduction to myself. By doing so, I believe that the ones following me would know about me and I am also trying to make myself familiar to blogging. It's my first time here and basically, this is my first post.       I am a student. My major is Computer Engineering. I am from Changunarayan, Bhaktapur and I live with my parents. They are supportive and caring. We are a family of five including my parents, my sisters and me. I joined a local school for primary and secondary education and I joined Capital College and Research Center(CCRC) for my high school. I spend most of my time watching anime and playing computer games. When I was gaming, I met a lot of people online. I was so competitive at one time that I even considered to play games as a career but that spirit faded as I grew up. Thinking back, I am pretty sure that I have been called by the names like "Scorpio19", "Madara", "TheZero19"