Who am I?

Hello everyone! I am Sampurna KC and this post is an introduction to myself. By doing so, I believe that the ones following me would know about me and I am also trying to make myself familiar to blogging. It's my first time here and basically, this is my first post.

     I am a student. My major is Computer Engineering. I am from Changunarayan, Bhaktapur and I live with my parents. They are supportive and caring. We are a family of five including my parents, my sisters and me. I joined a local school for primary and secondary education and I joined Capital College and Research Center(CCRC) for my high school. I spend most of my time watching anime and playing computer games. When I was gaming, I met a lot of people online. I was so competitive at one time that I even considered to play games as a career but that spirit faded as I grew up. Thinking back, I am pretty sure that I have been called by the names like "Scorpio19", "Madara", "TheZero19" and "Killatacular", used in the games more than my real name in my whole life and it felt great😎. I still love my real name though😁.
    I am into music as well. I love singing and sometimes I play guitar as well. At the end of the day, I am just a normal person and a night owl just like any youngsters these days.


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