Bijay Shahi- The memory king?

Bijay Shahi is a faker!

I just watched a video where a man memorized a whole book and wrote some random pages of that book as asked by the interviewer. The way he expressed himself was laughable. Seriously, what is that sound he made while flipping through the pages? And the funniest part is that he has the interviewer pour down water for this, "memory king" to be able to flip through the pages faster. Anyone can guess that this is fake, but still this is going viral on media like its some sort of wildfire. I am trying to control myself but these uncertified YouTube journalists are going out of their way, trying to get popular with fake news. Now has come the situation where some people may think if these journalists actually are not trying to gain viewers by making some random guy do unrealistic tasks for them. Let's just hope that they are not. But it still brings us to some questions, "Are they out of their mind?" "Do these so called journalists know what they are doing?" "Don't they know Journalism is considered the fourth body of the government after Legislature, Executive and Judiciary?" Let's hope that they are aware.

What I admire is the level of confidence of this so called "memory king" trying to fool the people with fake talent. I alone am not saying this. Every well-minded people are showing the same view on his talent. A recent video of Nelson Dellis, four times USA Memory Champion made a reaction video on the impossible memory feats and he included Bijay Shahi too. The first expression he made was to express the cringe. He said that it was totally fake. He said that these talents if presented in a video format, should not have any skipped or paused any moments and here comes our very "raw talent", Mr. Shahi, who denies to even stay in front of camera while he is memorizing by making an excuse of his "rare" formula being susceptible to exposure.

"If there's anything, honestly I have been impressed with it is how fast he can turn the pages", said Nelson Dellis. It is such an amazing feat to be able to waste the time of thousands, if not millions of people and this guy, Bijay Shahi still doesn't take his confession. He says that he can make the Nepal's ranking in the world jump to the first place in education sector. Personally I think that he and these news channels should be punished for wasting other's valuable time and for spreading fake news. And if, by some vague chance that Bijay Shahi was indeed a rare talent, I would gladly eat my words and try to learn his "chya-chya-mya-chya…" language by heart.


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