Academic Concept Paper: High Dropout Rate in SLC?


Duwakot, a village with access to the crucial facilities for modern lifestyle, has a high dropout rate during the 10th standard. Be it community, private or public schools, the village has got some of the finest schools in the city, but is still lagging behind in terms of education sector and the effect is seen prominently among the students appearing for the then "SLC", SEE exam.

The guardians are also very much concerned and have tried to improve the education of their children through various coaching and tuition classes. The methods look flawless as the students and the guardians are trying their hardest efforts from their own sides. But still, the result seems to be unsatisfying as the performance of the students continues to decrease. There could be millions of reasons to be noted if the problem is to be dealt individually, which seems impossible, at least for the current time being. The most logical solution seems to be the addition of libraries in the village and cutting off some of the extra classes to reduce some burden off the students and provide them some quality time to study what they really want and help them figure things out by themselves.

This methodology, at first, might seem very vague as there is no "perfect destination" and "a teacher" for the study pattern we are trying to pursue. But, I'm sure that this method in the end will help students get the feel for the study materials as I myself used this very method for myself which not only helped me gain the better grades but also made me realize that it is more enjoyable experience to gain knowledge than to remember facts for better grades. There are no libraries in the village, so I always thought of what it would be like to get some free time for studying what we really wanted. According to my harsh experiences, it is never a good trend to get exhausted from a long 12 hour school each day and adding up extra-long hours of homework. There should be some slack off for the students for a couple of hours in libraries and among the peers each day so that they can gain pace or gain even a tiniest of the rest for the remaining portion of their day.

A library, "Navasmaraniya Pustakalaya" which used to be a center of even the educational funds from government, has gone out of service due to the unaware and corrupt locals. So, it is absolute necessity to rejuvenate the old libraries and build a few in different places of the locality.

This project is very much worth giving a shot as this could be the key to not mass produce brainwashed graduates/robots and helping the students learn the purpose of learning.

Need of the study

About 30% of students, especially the students from government schools in my locality are quitting the education and pursuing the family business or even indulging in the bad habits. The most common reason for quitting the school life appears to be the difficulties the students faced while trying to understand the subject matter. Some do not like the teaching methods, some are not able to access the reference books, some have poor financial situation and some are not able to get the proper guidance. We cannot change the education system overnight but we can help the ones in need of change become the guardian of their own and the most efficient way is to make them aware that the best teacher for a person is themselves which can be obtained by encouraging the students to join a library. A library can help the needy ones gain access to the different books for free and it can provide an environment where a person has to be the teacher of himself thus, improving the self-guidance. Hence, the existing library, which is not in service, has to be brought back to service and a few more libraries should be opened in different places.


1.     To help all the students gain access to the proper education materials.

2.     To help the students have a proper peer circle.

3.     To encourage the students in studying and lower the dropout percentage especially in SLC.

Project Methodology

With at least a library at each ward in the locality, our project will be commenced. The method of analysis shall be the use of statistics to find the mean and percentage calculation. We will take a sample survey of a school to evaluate the results and for that, we will request any one of the school to make their students take the free membership of any one of the libraries and also request the school to cut some time off for library sessions. We will find the average and the percentage of the overall students of one of the school tests before and after the commencement of the project.

This sample survey will be carried out in 3 wards of Duwakot in the beginning and the data will be compared accordingly and the final result will be presented in different forms of graphical presentations like bar charts and scatterplots.

Duration and Funding

The project is expected to complete in 28 to 30 weeks which is about 7 months. The preparation of concept paper and the project proposal may take 2 to 4 weeks. The proposal may require about 1 week to get the approval from higher authorities and the co-ordination of local schools too. The building of libraries may take up to 16 to 18 weeks and the further evaluation of the sample survey may take up to 4 to 8 weeks.

A well-equipped library may cost a total of NRs 1.2 crore provided that the cost for the land is not neglected. For starters, we may begin with NRs 50 lakhs and keep equipping the library with time. So, for the project to begin in 3 different wards with one library at each of the wards, a total of NRs 1.5 crore is required.

To raise funds, we can begin donation campaigns in the society and the cost of building library can be gained from the open share schemes and partnerships. We can request funds from different NGOs and INGOs.

