An alternative way to compete in the field of virtual gaming is the science behind the e-sports. The traditional way to compete in the outdoor or indoor games as a professional to making it a career was the only way to shine as a renowned player until 1990 when the growth of online video gaming became popular.
It is required to be physically fit, young, skillful and have a good decision making capacity to be a well established player in the sports industry. The daily routine of an athlete would be to be on a healthy diet. go to gym, practice on the skill sets and develop a good teamwork. The main focus would be to maintain the body so that the stamina would not lag behind and be on a good form for the game. Now, with the platform to compete virtually in the games which people love to spend time on, a recent survey conducted by Limelight, according to Irish Tech News revealed that more young men now prefer to watch e-sports than traditional sports, with e-sports being their second most preferred media source, only behind movies.

A casual gamer, with a good skill in the game will be noticed quickly by big companies these days. The big taglines like TSM, Fnatic, C9, etc provide platforms to invest on young gamers and help them compete in the world stage like ESL pro league. There are many streamers on Twitch and YouTube and some are not even seen in competitive tournaments. Still, whole world recognizes them as a valuable personality in the field of gaming with net worth of millions, which actually is above most of the celebrities out there. They have become so iconic and passionate in their fields that they even do charity streams to help the world fight deadly diseases like Cancer. People may feel like it's more difficult to be an actual sports person than a e-sports player but it's actually not. With a fierce competition to attract the audience, there are millions of streamers and many of them are not even recognized. There can be a well established streamer but the path s/he took to be in that position might not be easy at all. Many streamers claim that they spent 2 to 3 years without any viewers at all but still they challenged it as they were very passionate about the game. Most of the young e-sports player go in vain even before their career starts despite of their skills. The most common is the wrist injury and the WASD syndrome. The overwork and overuse of the mice while gaming causes the wrist injury while the WASD syndrome is due to the frequent use of fingers to press the W, A, S, D keys on the keyboard especially for controlling the character in the game. The time for a professional to be involved in pro league is also very less as compared to the traditional sports. Most of the e-sports players come to shine as a pro when they are about 17 and they retire at about 25 as it seems is necessary to be as young as possible to maintain quick reflexes in the games in the pro league.

Now, coming to the topic, which is better? Sports or E-sports? It is just as any contradictory subject and it all comes to what the people like. Personally, for me, I love to watch e-sports tournaments just because it has a platform for even the physically challenged people and also because I love to play computer games.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank You for your patience for keeping up with this long informative text. :)

  2. Now there are big tournaments in Esports like The International with over 30 million dollars worth of prize pools. Its getting big recognition and will get bigger.


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