Post-Class Reflection - Sept 02


I was having a rough day as the submission date for the engineering drawing was near and was busy drawing since the whole morning till the noon. I was just trying to get a short nap after I had my morning meal of the day but it was not going to happen as the English class was going to start within 30 minutes. I joined the meet and I found most of the students had already joined and our teacher was also there and he was asking who the presenters were for the day. There were two presentations in line and they were going to be presented by Mani and Jamyang combined and the next was going to be presented by Ayush.

Our teacher put forward a question if some people really are Mr. Know All. I thought "Mr. Know All" was someone who corrects people immediately if they make any mistakes in a usual conversation. I had this vague idea and was unsure of it since I had heard "Mr. Know All" only once in a series "The Big Bang Theory" where a character, "Sheldon" mentions about a female character, "Priya" about her "Mr. Know All" behavior or rather he said "Know it all" behavior. I was thinking that some people may like to correct others' mistakes but I didn't say anything.

First came the presentation of the topic "Mr. Know All" and it was somehow a story narrated within a cargo ship about a man who could intervene into any conversation and the story was somehow vague to me but as it approached its climax, I really liked it and I found out that some Mr. Know All do care about other's privacy and prioritize other's happiness over their selfish habit of correcting the people's mistakes or opinions. After the first presentation was over, Ayush presented his topic, "Investigation Report" and it was great although there were some internet connection issues during his presentation. I really liked the way he dealt with that situation as he was not overwhelmed due to his frequent internet or rather packet losses. He even explained all the details from the start to make sure his presentation ended well and to make sure that we all understood his ideas.

Since the time was about to run out, the teacher ended the class with the explanation about the in-text and end-text citation. He also showed us how we could easily make those citation through the use of MS-Word and Google Docs. All in all, I enjoyed the class but I was feeling tired because of all the drawings and the classes that day that I took a nap right away after the class ended.
