Post-Class Reflection - Aug 14


This post-class reflection is being written after a long time and some ideas may be vague but I will try to include what I did on that day during our English class. It was Friday and we were up for the English class. There were going to be two presentations for the day and both belonged to literature. One of my closest friends was going to present about "The Stub Book" and the other presentation was about the text, "Adaptive Failure: Easter's End". We were eagerly waiting for the presentation and the class started after most of the students had joined the meet.

The first presentation was about "Adaptive Failure: Easter's End" and to be honest I was not getting much of the text and I was scrolling the web to find a short summary about the text. I was partially understanding the text but at the same time I was left void at some situations during the presentation. I tried to cover that up with the summary I got after googling for a bit and I was getting what was going on with the text. I am pretty sure that we all got a nice information about the fall of the Easter Island due to the over-exploitation of the resources in haphazard manner due to the presentation.

The next presentation was about the text, "The Stub Book", which was presented by one of my closest friends and he was flawless. The text was basically a story where a farmer's crops are stolen and are sold but the farmer identifies them perfectly and for the proof, he matches the stubs of those crops (pumpkins). The text tries to say that we will always be able to value and recognize our hard work no matter what the results are.

After the presentations were over, our teacher applauded for their beautiful presentations and he was also very impressed with the short and informative slides. He elaborated the texts further for a short time and wishing us a good day ahead, he dismissed the class.


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