"We Got Another One" - Dashain Homework

 It's not surprising to see and find someone stronger overpowering over the weak ones. That's nature and it's been like that since the very Stone Age from which Homo sapiens have got through to this modern era and it just seems magical as there were many other fit creatures back then. We were just mere humans with the capacity to think logically somehow. As of now, human beings are the absolute predators and for us to be at the top of the food chain, it was not easy. There were many challenges that humans endured. They were challenged by the wild and naturally gifted carnivores, unknown diseases which could wipe out the whole human race and even by the nature itself during the harsh ice age that lasted for millions of years.

Let's expect a scenario where a new creature arise and they become way more rational, logical and smarter than us humans. The result could be something that fits the concept of the "survival of the fittest". They would certainly overpower us because it's just the law that fits in the nature or at least we can expect it that way. Let's assume that a type of parasite was to appear on the earth from the outer space through meteorites or any sorts of matter and if it was to take over a human body to survive and needs to consume human flesh on a daily basis, it would make them more powerful opponent for human beings or rather they would be a predator to us. Human beings prey on animals for meat and daily commodities like clothes. It'd not be surprising for a predator of humans to prey on us and before they realize that humans too have important role in ecosystem, it would be too late as the loss of humans could have reached millions or maybe even billions.

Some of us do not like to prey on animals and are vegetarian by choice and it is just okay because we can still survive but if we were to find a predator whose life depended on the flesh of the human beings, it would be a different story. There is highly unlikely chance that they would not prey on human beings as they would not have much options. If the luxury of these predators were to be similar to that of human beings then it would not be a surprise to find a parcel that says "human inside" labelled with kilograms, details of the nutrition and date of expiry with discount offers. The children of these predators would hop around saying "We got another one" after receiving the parcel. I'd do that if I were to be that kid. And it would not sound crazy to me as it sounds to me now as a human. Let's again suppose that these predators developed a concept of "mutual co-operation and living" way sooner than the human beings came up with. It would still be ineffective because we too have yet to not prey on animals. It could also take decades if not millennia for our predators to overcome their need of preying on humans. And if by any chance, our predators were not able to evolve around that time, their only option would be to mass produce human beings just for the sole purpose of their meal as we do now for satisfying our hunger with animal meat.

If our predators truly understood the importance of human beings and wanted to co-exist, there could be other options where human beings could be their meal but in more peaceful and less fearful manner. A typical option would be to use the vegetative cells for the cloning of human beings and before the life breathes into that clone, making them "food" for our predators. Other options could include the possibility of providing dead human bodies for our predators. The suicidal cases, accidents and other untimely deaths of human beings could be used as "food" for the predators. And if these bodies were to be parceled to a community of our co-existing predators on a daily basis, they would surely say "We got another one".
