
Academic Concept Paper: High Dropout Rate in SLC?

Background Duwakot, a village with access to the crucial facilities for modern lifestyle, has a high dropout rate during the 10 th standard. Be it community, private or public schools, the village has got some of the finest schools in the city, but is still lagging behind in terms of education sector and the effect is seen prominently among the students appearing for the then "SLC", SEE exam. The guardians are also very much concerned and have tried to improve the education of their children through various coaching and tuition classes. The methods look flawless as the students and the guardians are trying their hardest efforts from their own sides. But still, the result seems to be unsatisfying as the performance of the students continues to decrease. There could be millions of reasons to be noted if the problem is to be dealt individually, which seems impossible, at least for the current time being. The most logical solution seems to be the addition of libraries in the

Hikikomori- The Global Epidemic?

 I love watching anime. Watching anime has been a part of my life since my childhood. I used to watch anime only for enjoying the fighting scenes when I was a child. I remember doing the hand signs used in one of my favorite anime, Naruto and saying "ino saru tori hitsuji.. Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" which basically was the technique to summon a giant animal and all these words which seem random are basically the Japanese words for different animals. But nowadays, I love to watch anime with some good information that would teach me a lesson, Even though I have a keen interest on watching anime, I have not been watching any for a long time. But one of the recent anime I watched was "NHK ni Youkoso!" which is kind of an old anime about people with social withdrawal syndrome. In this anime, the main character is a Hikikomori. Hikikomori is a Japanese term for defining a person who seeks an extreme degree of social isolation and confinement. In the anime, the main character,

"We Got Another One" - Dashain Homework

  It's not surprising to see and find someone stronger overpowering over the weak ones. That's nature and it's been like that since the very Stone Age from which Homo sapiens have got through to this modern era and it just seems magical as there were many other fit creatures back then. We were just mere humans with the capacity to think logically somehow. As of now, human beings are the absolute predators and for us to be at the top of the food chain, it was not easy. There were many challenges that humans endured. They were challenged by the wild and naturally gifted carnivores, unknown diseases which could wipe out the whole human race and even by the nature itself during the harsh ice age that lasted for millions of years. Let's expect a scenario where a new creature arise and they become way more rational, logical and smarter than us humans. The result could be something that fits the concept of the "survival of the fittest". They would certainly overpowe

Counter Strike: Global Offensive - The game that never dies.

Every aspiring gamers and even the real old gamers from 90s share a common thing in the field of gaming. They all know about a game, Counter Strike. At some point of their life, they must have been introduced to this game by their relatives or friends and what astonishing to this point of era is that the game has not lost its fan base. Instead, every gamers try to learn this game in order to improve their game sense or their raw aim in any other games. Counter Strike was originally a mod game for a then well-known game called "half-life". The game was based on the concept of two different sided teams as "Terrorists" and "Counter-Terrorists" where the main motive of terrorist-sided or basically T-sided team was to plant the bomb/C4 in one of the sites of the map and the motive of the Counter-Terrorists or CT was to not allow the bomb plant. The game was 5 vs 5 and it was really fun. The game developed its later version starting from Counter Strike 1.0 all

Winter Over the Other Seasons

Is it just me or people actually like winter more than the other seasons? Obviously, people's favorite starts with the spring season but I like to spend time in winter more than in any other season and here's why. Let's just skip the best of the best, the spring season as we cannot accept it any more to be the most favorable season. Let's begin with the Rainy/monsoon season. It is very calming to get some sleep during rainy afternoons and rainy nights. We get a different type of vibe during rainy season. It feels as if the nature is cleansing itself and the vibe just feels natural. We feel like our hearing senses are honed to maximum and it is actually true during the rainy days as the sound travels faster in moist air than in dry air and having tea during rainy season just feels exceptional. The main downside to this season is that we get allergies and even some infections if we spend most of our time in the rain. We get tired too fast as the chances of feeling aslee

Post-Class Reflection- The first day

I still remember the first English class and I thought about trying to make a post-class reflection about it even though it has been a long time. It is still crystal clear in my mind. I was unsure about how our teacher would be like and I was also very worried that there were going to be more online classes to be attended from that day onwards. With heavy heart, I clicked the invited link for the meet and there I see our teacher sitting casually and chatting with my friends. I felt like he was a chatty person and was way more social than any of our teachers. He was trying to make us familiar to the class and he was asking for the introductions of each and every students according to our roll number. After a while, we found out that he had tried to connect to our few students to maintain the routine of the class but unfortunately, he was not able to do so. Most of the students had their mobile switched off and he got Mission Shrestha, our fellow classmate to inform us about the Engl

Post-Class Reflection - Aug 14

Aug-14 This post-class reflection is being written after a long time and some ideas may be vague but I will try to include what I did on that day during our English class. It was Friday and we were up for the English class. There were going to be two presentations for the day and both belonged to literature. One of my closest friends was going to present about "The Stub Book" and the other presentation was about the text, "Adaptive Failure: Easter's End". We were eagerly waiting for the presentation and the class started after most of the students had joined the meet. The first presentation was about "Adaptive Failure: Easter's End" and to be honest I was not getting much of the text and I was scrolling the web to find a short summary about the text. I was partially understanding the text but at the same time I was left void at some situations during the presentation. I tried to cover that up with the summary I got after googling for a bit and I